K. R. NURSING COLLEGE ,Bangalore– GNM / B.Sc / P.B.BSc / MSc Nursing admission -2025, Contact-8927002414 for direct nursing admission.

K R Nursing College Bangalore, direct GNM and BSc Nursing course admission FOR Girls and Boys both online application for 2025-26 session:– .
Seat Available now as GNM-15 seats only .
BSc Nursing Seat only through KEA CET Exam Counselling.
N.B= After passing GNM can do 2 yrs PBBSc which is same as BSc Nursing. After PBBSc can do also MSc Nursing.
Urgent Book Your GNM Seat.
For Direct Nursing admission and confirm seat booking contact Mr. Mondal-8927002414
K R Nursing College Bangalore Course’s Fees-2025
- G.N.M ( 3-Yrs ) Total-Rs 3.75 Lac ( Including- Tuition Fees , Hostel & Food, General Clinical )
- GNM ( 3 Yrs ) -For NEPAL Students-Rs 4 Lac ( Includes-Tuition Fees , Hostel, Food , General Clinical )
- G.N.M Seat Booking= Rs 25000 only directly to College A/c
- Students will get 3 instalments in Each Year.
- B.Sc Nursing ( 4-Yrs ) Through KEA CET Entrance Exam Only – ( Including- Tuition Fees , Hostel & Food , General Clinical )
- B.Sc Nursing Seat Booking Rs 35000 only directly to College A/c only who qualified CET Exam.
- Our College Listed in WB and Bihar Student’s Credit Card .
- For more Contact Mondal Sir-8927002414
- We ve own Hospital-Peoples Tree Hospital.
- All clinical will be held to Medical College Hospital only.
- Hostel attached with College Campus ( 2 Girls Hostel and 1 Boys Hostel )
- North Indian Food Available
- Education Loan :- W.B Student Credit Card and Vidya Laxmi can apply
যারা 2024 বা তার আগে H.S পাস করে আছো , তারা অযথা দেরি না করে আমাদের ব্যাঙ্গালোরের নার্সিং কলেজে সরাসরি অ্যাডমিশন নাও । প্রতি বছর প্রায় ১০ লাখ করে ছেলে মেয়ে তোমার রাজ্য থেকে H.S পাস করে বেরুচ্ছে , তার ১০ % ও যদি নার্সিং অ্যাডমিশন নিতে চাই , ভেবে দেখো ১ লাখ ছেলে মেয়ে নার্সিং এ ভর্তি হবার জন্য চেষ্টা করছে প্রতি বছর । তারা সবাই কি নিজের রাজ্যে ভর্তি হতে পারবে Joint Entrance দিয়ে ???? এত সিট কি আছে তোমার রাজ্যে ???
কেনো ব্যাঙ্গালোরের নার্সিং কলেজে ভর্তি হবে ? অন্য রাজ্যে না – Visit www.nursingbangalore.com
Urgent Contact Mr Mondal-8927002414 ( WhatsApp) to Book Your Seat for 2025 Session.
K.R. School of Nursing and K.R. College of Nursing are recognised by Indian Nursing Council (INC ) and Karnataka State Nursing Council ( KSNC)and affilited to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences ( RGUHS ) , Bangalore and is approved by Govt. of Karnataka.
K.R. COLLEGE OF NURSING ( For Admission -Contact Mr. Mondal-8927002414 )
was established in 2004 and is managed by K.R. Educational TRUST by Dr. T.R. Malathi and which is attached to a Govt. Hospital and Own PEOPLES TREE HOSPITALS @ MEENAKSHI, Bangalore for clinical and teaching purpose and has good hostel facility within the campus. Students are accommodated in spacious well ventilated rooms. Hygienic food is provided in the mess with drinking water and generator facilities . Foreign Language Training . Indoor & Outdoor Game. Campus Interview. Separate hostels for girls and boys within campus.
It has a Pharmacy College also -K.R. College of Pharmacy for D.Pharm ( 2 yrs ) and B.Pharm ( 4 Yrs ) – Low fees with 100% placement, Contact Mr,. Mondal 8927002414.
Campus Interview for Students.
Nursing Courses in K.R Nursing College
- GNM Nursing (3 Yrs )
- BSc Nursing ( 4 Years)
- Post Bsc Nursing ( 2 Years )
- MSc Nursing ( 2 Years )- ( Specialization – Medical Surgical Nursing / Pediatric Nursing / Psychiatric Nursing / Obstacle & Gynecological Nursing )- Seat -5 each. Total =20 seat ( Upcoming )
Nursing Admission Eligibility Criteria
G.N.M Nursing Admission :
He / She should have passed 10+2 in any stream with at least 40% marks average. Maximum age limit 32 years.
BSc Nursing Admission :
He / She should have passed 10+2 examination in science stream with average minimum 45 % marks in PCB ( Physics , Chemistry , Biology together and passed individually these subjects) and passed with English as one of the subject must. He / She should have medically fit and within age maximum 35 Yrs.
Post Basic BSc Nursing Admission :
He / She Should have completed GNM nursing after 10 +2 and registered with any state nursing council . There has no maximum age limit.
MSc Nursing Admission :
He / She Should have passed BSc / Post Basic BSc Nursing with atleast 55 % marks ( 5% relaxation for SC / ST ) with 1 year experience and registered in any state nursing council.
Nursing Admission Query
Nursing Admission Procedure
Interested candidates may send following documents pic or scan to Email : krnursingbangalore@gmail.com or by Whatsapp ( 8927002414 )
- Color Passport Photo
- Mobile Number (Must )
- Secondary Admit / Certificate and Marksheet
- Higher Secondary / 10+2 Marksheet
- GNM Marksheet ( 3 yrs ) ( For Post BSc only )
- GNM Registration Certificate ( For Post BSc only )
For More Information
CONTACT : Mr Mondal –8927002414 / 9916489250 ( Admission counselor )
Kanakpura Main Road, BANGALORE-82
নার্সিং কোনও Distance Education না। এগুলি নার্সিং কাউন্সিলের আইন বিরুদ্ধ । ছাত্র ছাত্রীরা এবং অভিভাবকরা সচেতন হন , নার্সিং কলেজ যে রাজ্যে অবস্থিত সেখানে সশরীরে গিয়ে ভর্তি হন এবং হোস্টেলে থেকে ক্লাস করুন , নিয়মিত হসপিটাল এ গিয়ে ক্লিনিক্যাল প্র্যাকটিস করুন । একজন মুমূর্ষু রুগীর জীবন নার্সের হাতে , এটা ভুলবেন না । সঠিক ভাবে নার্সিং কাউন্সিল এর নিয়ম মেনে INC এবং State Nursing Council এর অনুমদিত কলেজ ক্যম্পাসে গিয়ে ভর্তি হন , যেখানে প্রচুর বাঙালী ছেলে মেয়ে আগে থেকে পড়ছে ।